Uxbridge Middlesex - Wednesday the 23 July 2008

The 2008 Police Sport UK Track & Field and Tug of War Championships will take place in Uxbridge, Middlesex on Wednesday 23 July 2008.
Accommodation / Event HQ
Brunel University, Uxbridge. A reception point will be set up in the reception area of the University. The Brunel University address is Clevedon Road, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH. All rooms are single occupancy.
Directions and Travel Arrangements
We will have mini buses available to collect from local pick up points. These will include Uxbridge Underground Station and Heathrow Airport. We will not collect from any other airports as they are too far from the venue.
By Train & Tube: If you travel by train to Central London. It is then a 40 minute tube ride to Uxbridge. Uxbridge Tube station is on the Metropolitan Line.
By Air: As mentioned we will only pick up from Heathrow airport for those flying. Contact details will be given on confirmation of entry and receipt of travel methods.
By Road: Once nearing London, M25 Junction 16 meets the M40. This is the best route into Uxbridge. As the road changes to the A40 there will be an exit for Ruislip and Uxbridge. This is the Swakeleys exit due to name of the roundabout. (it is the 2nd exit for Ruislip and Uxbridge). It is the 3rd exit at the roundabout towards Uxbridge on the B483. (This takes you past the Track). Continue straight over the next roundabout. At the next roundabout you take the 1st exit along the Uxbridge Road. (The RAF Base should be on your left). Move into the right hand lane and at the Traffic Lights take a right onto THE GREENWAY. (Jacks Fish & Chip Shop on the corner). It is then first left onto Clevedon Road. As you drive along Clevedon Road you will see the University on your left. The reception is by the pond.
Police Sport UK Entry
The entry fee will be £10 for each competitor’s first event. Any additional events will be £3 each. Team relay entries will be £15 for each team. Please see separate entry form for Tug of War. As per previous events £90 per team plus £15 per extra event.
All Cheques are to be made payable to “MPAA”
Police Sport UK Championships
We will give prizes to the first 3 in each Track & Field discipline. At this stage it is the intention to continue with the Veterans 5000m event and introduce prizes for female veterans in their respective 5000m race. It is the intention to run one 5000m race for men and ladies. Prizes for the relevant categories will then come from that race. Please declare on the entries as to which race you are entering for Prize purposes.
Can all ensure the return of annual trophies, clean and engraved
Presentations will take place shortly after the completion of the respective finals.
Competitors must be 18 or over to compete. All police competitors must be fully paid members of their respective force sports clubs and be police officer, police staff, retired police/police staff or member of the Special Constabulary. (If in doubt please refer to the www.policesportuk.com website for a detailed definition). This event is for Police employees only.
Any number of competitors from any force may participate and there shall be no limit to the number of events a competitor may enter. In any relay event only one team from each force may win a prize.
All athletes must wear their force colours. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification.
Closing Date
The closing date will be 9th of June. No late entries will be accepted. Entries are to be with me as per contact details on foot of this document. No entries on the day and no refunds for non attendance.
Entry Confirmation
Entry confirmation will be sent on receiving entries and entry fees. Entries will be accepted by e-mail but will NOT be confirmed until cheques have been received. Each Force’s entries will be grouped in a package to be collected on attendance.
Meal / Function
There will be a meal and function in the evening of Wednesday the 23rd of July. This will be held at Brunel University. Meal will be at 7pm followed by a disco. Any vegetarian or vegan meals to be pre ordered please.
Cost of function is £25
All correspondence and entries to:
Sergeant Ron Neil
TD Sector
Hounslow Police Station
5 Montague Road
Contact No: 020 8247 6674 (Work)
EMail: ronald.neil@met.pnn.police.uk
Entry Form - Force Contact Word document
Entry Form - Competitors Excel Workbook
Events to be contested and timetable