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Orienteering Championships 2025


Warwickshire - Bentley Woods - Atherstone

Sunday 30 March 2025

You are invited to enter the 2025 PSUK Orienteering Championships to be held at Bentley Woods, Atherstone, Warwickshire on Sunday 30 March 2025. The Championships are staged on courses that are part of a public event organised by Octavian Droobers, the Warwickshire Orienteering Club. This is also our Annual Challenge Match, PSUK v the RAF and the Army also plan to enter a team.

Entry Point

You can now enter the event online at the below.

Please let me know when you have entered so I can get the right number of prizes



Key Information

The entry classes are listed below.

Initial details can be found here. (Or web search Octavian Droobers and view the events tab) If you are not a British Orienteering Club member enter PSUK or IND as your club. If you do not have a SI dibber you need to hire one when entering. If running as a pair you will both need to enter so you each have a map and dibber, run and finish together, both punching all the controls including the start and finish.

Online entry can be made from mid-February. See above link.

You can ‘run up’ a class, example: Veteran Men up to Men’s Open.

When selecting a start time please select one before 12 noon so the prize giving can take place at 1.30pm.

Please advise Peter by email to psukorienteering@btinternet.com if you have entered. He will also deal with any enquiries you have.


A Men’s Open: Enter the Blue course – usually 6 -7km

B Women’s Open: Enter the Green course – usually 4 -5 km

C Veteran Men: A veteran is aged 40 years or over in 2025. Enter the Green course, usually 4-5 km

D Veteran Women: A veteran is aged 40 years or over in 2025. Enter the Short Green course, usually 3-4km

E Super Vets Men: A Super Vet is aged 70 years or over in 2025. Enter the Short Green course, usually 3-4km

F Super Vets Women: A Super Vet is aged 70 years or over in 2025. Enter the Short Green course, usually 3km

Introductory: For newcomers to the sport giving a 30–40-minute run. Mixed or single sex pairs acceptable.

You need to declare you are a pair to Peter prior to the event. Enter the Orange 3 - 4km


Men’s Open Team: 3 to score, from the same Police Force, based on finishing positions compared with other PSUK entrants.
Women’s Open Team: 3 to score, from the same Police Force, based on finishing position compared with other PSUK entrants.

Mixed Team: 3 from the same Police Force to score from courses A to F based on finishing positions compared with other PSUK entrants excluding those scoring for the Men’s or Women’s Open Team competitions.

Team Prizes: For each member of the winning team.

Individual Awards/Prizes: These will depend on the number of entries on each course, but for each course the winner as a minimum. Introductory course: At least first Man, first Women and first pair.

Prizes are also awarded for the best performance on each course by RAF and Army competitors.

Please contact Peter Guillaume by email: p.m.g@btinternet.com or telephone 0114 229 5919




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