Incorporated within the Mablethorpe Marathon
Sunday 2 October 2011

The 2011 Police Sport UK Marathon Championships will take place in Mablethorpe on Sunday 2 October 2011 starting at 10.00 am from Mablethorpe. The event is incorporated within the official Mablethorpe Marathon event.
PSUK have 100 guaranteed entries reserved for this event and entry should be made directly with the PSUK Marathon Coordinator Steve Broadbent.
Police Sport UK Entry Fee
The Entry Fee for Police Sport UK Championships will be £35.00. This fee covers entry into the Mablethorpe Marathon Championships as well as the cost of the PSUK Championships. This includes cost of post race presentation buffet and the awards and prizes.
PSUK Event Registration (Map below)
Registration for the race will be done for you and race numbers and other event information will be available for collection as detailed below. A number of runners/guests will be staying at the Premier Inn, Grimsby and some at the Oaklands Hall Hotel, Grimsby. The remainder will be either travelling on the day or be staying in and around Mablethorpe in hotels and guest houses of their choice.
Saturday 1 October 2011
Race HQ, Registration and Help Point: Oaklands Hall Hotel, Laceby, nr. Grimsby DN37 7LF between 4pm and 8pm – This hotel is located on the junction of the A46 and A18 on the way through to Mablethorpe so those staying in Mablethorpe may stop en-route.
NB: I will deliver race packets to those runners staying at the Premier Inn Grimsby DN31 2UT. These will be left at reception to collect when you arrive.
Sunday 2 October 2011
Race starts at 10am prompt!
Remaining race packets will be available between 8.30am and 9.30am at the Marathon registration point/race start at Tennyson High School, Seaholme Rd, Mablethorpe, LN12 2DF. I will be there to hand over packages and answer any last minute questions.

Hotels and Race Start/Finish
1 = Premier Inn, Grimsby
2 = Oaklands Hall Hotel, Laceby
3 = Marathon Start/Finish - Mablethorpe
PSUK Accommodation
Accommodation has been arranged at the Premier Inn, Grimsby for Saturday 1 October and Sunday 2 October. 24 rooms have been reserved for the Saturday night for PSUK competitors and their guests at a cost of £61 per room. A smaller number of rooms are also reserved for those who may choose to stay on the Sunday night.
Grimsby is located away from Mablethorpe but is the nearest town where a large hotel is available to us. However, it is just off the M180 motorway travelling from most directions and is just 40 minutes away from Mablethorpe. It makes an ideal pre-race accommodation venue being easy to get to, a quality hotel with ample free parking and a restaurant located in the grounds.
To book a room contact me at I will respond with confirmation on availability of your room arrangements. Payment in full must be made direct with me immediately. There is a 14 day cancellation policy where a full refund could be made 14 days before arrival.
There are other small hotels and B&B's available in and around Mablethorpe. We would suggest you trawl the internet to ascertain places to stay should you decide not to stay at the Premier Inn.
The “Haven” Caravan Park close to Mablethorpe are also offering three night caravan packages at a reasonable price.
Entry Form and Payment
A customised Police Sport UK entry form is now on-line. Please complete an individual form for each competitor renaming each one respectively and return to me by email. Please forward your payment by post with a copy of each form.
Entry Confirmation
Each competitor will receive a confirmation of entry by email. Please ensure you provide a personal email address for each competitor.
Force Colours and Race Numbers
Though this is an open race 'Force Colours' must be worn. It is hoped that PSUK runners will be identified with a number sequence. This coupled with wearing 'force colours' will allow police runners a chance to identify other police runners.
Marathon Race, Course and Start/Finish Details
The race starts at from Mablethorpe. Further details of the start venue and arrangements to be confirmed with organiser via their official website at:
Map of Course
Entry Field
PSUK start list:
Prize Presentation and Post Race Meal
A post race meal and presentation of prizes will take place at "The Steak House" Bar and Grill, Mablethorpe. This venue is located 250m from the race finish.
Food will be available from 2.30pm with the presentation of prizes and trophies taking place circa 3.30 pm once all PSUK competitors have finished. The function will conclude at around 5pm.

Race Start/Finish to Steak House Restaurant
Seaholme Road
1 = Race Finish
2 = Steak House Restaurant
1 to 2 = 350 metres
Post Race showers and changing
There are some changing facilities available at the Marathon venue.
Police Sport UK Championships
Winners: Open Men, Open Women, Vet 40+ Men, Vet 50+ Men, Vet 60+ Men, Vet 35+ Women, Vet 45+ Women, Vet 55+ Women
Runner’s Up: Open Men, Open Women, Vet 40+ Men Vet 35+ Women
3rd Place: Open Men, Vet 40+ Men Vet 35+ Women
Teams: 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams - Men and Women Combined (First three to count)
Other age prizes may be added subject to contention.
Mablethorpe Marathon Championships
See Mablethorpe Marathon website for details.
Competitors must be 18 or over to run the marathon and all police competitors must be fully paid members of their respective force sports clubs and be police officer, police staff, retired police/police staff or member of the Special Constabulary. (If in doubt please refer to the website for a detailed definition)
Closing Date
The closing date is 16 September 2011
Further Information and Results
Our own dedicated web-page with information specific to the Police Sport UK Championships and final results will be posted here:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or require any other information.
SC Steve Broadbent
Police Sport UK Athletics Section - Marathon Co-ordinator
Carnforth Police Station
Grosvenor Road
Work Tel: 01524 596424
Mobile: 07974 795466
Fax: 01524 596446
Email: Steve Broadbent
Entry Form Word Document Hand Fill
List of PSUK Competitors
Final Results