Runner Profiles
Ms Kathy Winrow -
Cumbria Constabulary
May 2007
Kathy Winrow
Police Force
Cumbria Constabulary
Where do you work
Kendal Police Station
What is your rank and job title
Civilian Detention Officer
How many years have you been running
Approx 37 yrs
How many years have you been running in the NPCCL
Approx 2 1/2 yrs
What makes you keep returning to the Northern Police League each year
The races, the excellent
and sometimes challenging courses, the great social aspect, personal achievement
- it gives me something to aim for each winter and the fitness advantages of
running cross country give strength and fitness for road racing.
What is the highlight of your running calendar
That’s a difficult one as
I look forward to each of the different events. I like the track and field
because it is different by its very nature of events and I have a love of track
running which stems back to my school days. I also look forward to the National
Cross Country Championships because that’s at the end of the season and is a
good test of fitness and some thing to measure the season by. I also look
forward to the Police Sport UK 10 mile race because that’s my best distance and
it’s on the road.
What other types of running do you do and what other sports
I currently train on the
track twice a week and can run distances from 200m up to 1500m. I occasionally
run 3,000 m for the club and have been known to run the odd 5,000m but neither
are distances I would choose to run on a regular basis. I prefer the sprints
200, 400 and 800m and I am gradually reducing my times over all of these
In the summer I compete
for my club Lancaster and Morecambe in the Mid Lancs and Northern Ladies League
for track (and x/c in the winter months)
I also compete in road
races distances ranging from 5k up to half marathons.
My preferred and best
distance is the 10 miles. I have done several marathons in the past but would
only now run that distance for a special occasion.
I have toyed with the idea
of a triathlon and incorporate swimming into my current training programme
Do you have any other hobbies or interests outside sport
Painting and drawing,
animals especially big game and theatre.
What are your running plans and ambitions for the future
To run more races abroad,
to lower all my pb's for road races from 5k to half marathons (as I now go into
a new veteran category this year), to run road races which I haven't run before
(because I hate hills) and to complete a triathlon.