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The London Marathon Story
3 hours 16 minutesGood first attempt - 20 miles per week just not enough!
3 hours 15 minutesA minute faster the lycra tracksters made some difference!3 hours 36 minutesWarm day - 30 mpw training still not enough!3 hours 18 minutes
Almost back on form.
3 hours 06 minutesGetting my act together now - but 40 mpw is still not enough.3 hours 25 minutes
3 hours 16 minutes
Good time but no photos to show!
3 hours 05 minutes
Back on form - A 3rd place PB |
2 hours 58 minutes!
My 2nd sub-3 London and 2nd consecutive sub-3 marathon in the new Millennium!
3 hours 21 minutes
Pleased, considering 25 mpw training
6 hours 14 minutes
This was my 13th London and not being too suspicious I decided to challenge my wife, Anne to do the run with me. Cutting a very long story short I crossed the line with Anne in 6 hours14 minutes!
Perhaps one of my slowest performances but nevertheless one of my most memorable.
The story unfolds in a special page dedicated to Anne's Marathon Run
3 hours 04 minutes A tremendous time considering I had just run all the way from Paris to get to the start line! Find out more of this epic eight marathon week in my:
04 hours 21 minutes Bad run - experiencing a lot of sciatic pain in my right hip. Perhaps running from Paris the previous year did not help! |
3 hours 40 minutes Still problems with the sciatic pain in the hip. Needs attention!
3 hours 28 minutes
Not a bad performance on 2005 - still some sciatic pain slowing me up. Cold, drizzily conditions but excellent crowd support. The best I've seen in 17 years. Great picture!
3 hours 48 minutes Earlier in the year I found that if I ran on my toes my sciatic pain ceased! So what about running 26 miles on my toes? I found out that the pain started around 16 miles. I was able to perform a piriformis stretch and again at 20 miles and finished the marathon much better than I had in the last 3 years since the problem started. I now need to work on my toe running and look into some gel inserts in my shoes. Clearly the impact of my heel striking the road was causing all the problems. Here's to the next pain free 50 Marathons!! |
4 hours 28 minutes This year the marathon formed part of my "Long Way Up" Challenge. London was my 13th consecutive road marathon in 13 days. Despite having run 370 miles from Land's End my time was respectable considering I also had a septic left toe and ran in some pain for much of the race.
3 hours 42 minutes 2009 was my 20th London. Do I stop here or go on to 25?..... Back on track again - no mad 370 mile runs two weeks before this year! Finished in a respectable 03.42 and no sciatic pain whatsoever. I think I may have signed myself up for a few more yet! I had a great run and with the new regular maintenance work at the gym concentrating on building up my glutes, adductor and abductors I had no significant pain after 26.2. (Just the usual tired legs and hips that one always gets) The 2009 event was bigger than ever with the largest crowd support I have ever seen. Coupled with nice fine weather it was another tremendous experience. |
3 hours 35 minutes I was accepted in the ballot for 2010 so my 21st London is all set to go. I will be training hard for the 100km Del Sahara Marathon 7 to 14 March so I anticipate some high mileage leading up to London. I ran a good 4.06 in the Sahara Desert the month before so a 3.35 was not a bad effort and my best London for four years.
![]() A 3.50 time this year. Pleased with this time given my low mileage training. The reason for this was I was half way through an intense six week training course with Monarch Airlines so I can be excused! I was very lucky too! My course worked over weekends but fortunately I was on a 'day off' on the marathon day so was able to get down to London the afternoon before in time to register.
![]() 3.37.09 - Slightly disappointed as I hoped for around 3.15 though I did have a bit of a chesty cough the week before - that's my excuse! Saying this many runners would give there right arm for a 3.37 time so I shouldn't sound too ungrateful. A nice sunny day was had and great crowd support from start to finish.
![]() 4.48.05 - One of my slower times as I took it very easy this year. I have nothing to prove anymore other than head toward my 25th London. After all, I have done it several times under three and got the tee shirt! So I crossed the line in a modest time and thoroughly enjoyed my 24 London Marathon experience! |
![]() Could be my last London! 25 years! We'll see!
I would be pleased to chat with anyone about the London Marathon
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