Please find below the final details for the Police Sport UK Cross Country Nationals 2009.
Race HQ - Shap Wells Hotel, Shap Wells, Near Shap, Cumbria. CA10 3QU Tel 01931 716628
Directions - From South / North / East
M6 Exit Jct 39 - From South turn Right & from North turn Left to "T "junction.Will be sign posted Shap.
Left at "T" junction & hotel is approx 2 miles on left ( Sign posted Best Western Shap Wells) drive down long driveway & hotel is at bottom
Greyhound 01931 716474 / Kings Arms, Shap, Cumbria 01931 716277
Directions - From South/ North / East
M6 Exit Jct 39 - Then As Above - But at "T" junction turn Right. The Greyhound is approx 2 miles on the Right & the Kings Arms half a mile further along on the Left
Westmorland Hotel, Tebay, Cumbria 015396 24351
Directions - From North / South / East
M6 Exit Tebay Services in between J38 & J39 / J39 & J38 . Hotel is signed & located at the back of the services
Clifton Hill Hotel, Clifton, Nr Penrith, Cumbria 01768 862717
Either Exit J39 M6, Left to "T" junction & Right at "T" junction.
Travel approx 8 miles through the villages of Shap & Hackthorpe eventually coming to the village of Clifton & hotel is on the Right
Or Exit J40 M6 - take 4th Exit on 1st roundabout signposted A66 East Scotch Corner & 4th Exit on Second Roundabout signposted A6 Shap / Kendal.
Go over Eamont Bridge controlled by traffic lights to a mini rounabout - Straight Ahead & follow road into Clifton village approx 3 miles from motorway. Hotel is on the Left
Exit J40 M6, take 2nd Exit off 1st Roundabout signposted A66 East Scotch Corner the 4th Exit on 2nd Roundabout signposted A6 Shap/ Kendal
Go over Eamont Bridge controlled by traffic lights to a mini roundabout- Straight Ahead & follow road into Clifton Village. Hotel on Left
A66 to Penrith - Take 1st Exit at roundabout signposted A66 Shap / Kendal
North Lakes Hotel 01768 868111
Directions from South / North
Exit M6 J40 take 1 st left from South & 3rd left from North & Hotel is on Right
A66 Penrith at 1st Roundabout take 2nd Exit heading towards motoroway then take 4th exit & hotel is on the Right
Your respective hotels on booking in will give you meal times & other details re accomodation.
The hotels will provide an evening meal if required but there are plenty of reasonably priced pubs & restaurants in Penrith & a lesser number in Shap.
Please settle accounts directly with the hotels.
This will take place on Tuesday 10th March between 3pm - 9pm at Race HQ Shap Wells Hotel, Shap Wells.
Here you will be given further information including race numbers & programmes etc. Team Managers will be asked to sign a Declaration Sheet to confirm Vet categories which will be used to determine Vet Prizes. It is also requested that any Team Changes are also highlighted at this time. No Additions will be Allowed unless it is a 1 for 1 swop for someone who has been already entered.
On Wednesday 11th March between 10-12 at Race Venue - Lowther Deer Park, Near Hackthorpe. The registration area will be clearly signposted
It is requested that runners do not turn up Before 10 am to assist the race organisers but after that are welcome to attend & walk / jog round the course
Race Venue
Lowther Deer Park, Near Hackthorpe, Cumbria ( Grid Ref 539234 )
Directions from Clifton Hill Hotel, Clifton
Left out of hotel travel into village of Hackthorpe approx 4 miles - Past 40 mph sign & school ( on Right) & at the 2nd sign for Bird of Prey Centre turn Right at "T" Junction( post box on corner) & 1st Left down track into Deer Park. There will be PSUK signs at the "T" Junction & PCSO's to direct you to the parking area which is approx 3-400m away from the start & finish of the race.
From Shap Wells Hotel / Greyhound / Kings Arms - Shap
Right out of Shap Wells & Greyhound / Left out of Kings Arms, follow road into village of Hackthorpe approx 6-8 miles from respective hotels.
Past Lowther Castle Pub & take next Left signposted Bird of Prey Centre then as Above
M6 North - Exit J39 - Left down to "T" Junction. Right at "T" junction through village of Shap & then as Above- Approx 13 miles
Left from Hotel to 1 st roundabout 1st exit- 4th Exit a 2nd roundabout signposted A66 Shap/Kendal
Over Eamont bridge controlled by traffic lights to mini roundabout- straight across.
Travel through village of Clifton into Hackthorpe Village.Past 40mph sign & school on right & at 2 nd Bird of Prey Centre sign turn Right at "T" jucntion then as Above approx 7 miles
For Those Travelling Up on the Day From North
Exit J39 M6, Off slip road turn Left to "T" junction & Right at "T" junction sign posted Shap.
Travel approx 8 miles through the village of Shap eventually driving into the village of Hackthorpe . Past the Lowther Castle Pub ( on Left) take the Next Left ( post box on corner ) sign posted Bird of Prey Centre ( old sign). Take 1st Left down partial track into the Deer Park. There will be a PSUK sign & PCSO to guide you to the parking area
For Those Travelling Up on the Day From South
Exit J40 M6, take 2nd Exit off 1st Roundabout sign posted A66 East Scotch Corner then the 4th Exit on 2nd Roundabout signposted A6 Shap/ Kendal
Go over Eamont Bridge controlled by traffic lights to a mini roundabout- Straight Ahead & follow road into Clifton Village eventually coming into Hackthorpe Village. Drive past the 1st sign for Bird of Prey Centre past 40 mph sign & past school ( on right ) & at 2nd Bird of Prey Centre turn Right & then 1st Left down part track road into the Deer Park.There will be a PSUK sign & PSCO directing you to the parking area
For Those Travelling Up on the Day from The East
A66 to Penrith - Take 1st Exit at roundabout signposted A66 Shap / Kendal
There will be signs indicating Parking - please park as directed by the Marshalls / Registration Area / First Aid / Changing / Toilets.
There are ample toilets for both males & females so please respect our venue & refrain from urinating round the private estate.
There is a secure changing room for both men & women & bags can be left there
Unfortunately there are no showering facilities on site
The race will start at 1pm prompt for Females & 2pm prompt for the men. There will be a 5 minute warning given during which runners are requested to make their way to the Start line for a short race briefing. There are Start & Finish Banners. The Start / Finish areas are approx 200 - 300m away from the changing areas.
The course consists of 2 x 2.2 laps for the Women & 3 laps for the men over an undulating, breath taking course of fields, wooded area & trails & is suitable for spikes, trail shoes, walshes & trainers ( the latter only if its been dry !!!!!!).There is a narrow tarmac road to cross twice on each lap but only 1 or 2 strides at the most.
Race Numbers Must Be Worn on the Front of Vests and Not Defaced / Bent over in any way. This is a rule & failure to comply with it MAY Lead to Disqualification
Force Colours WILL Also Be Worn. Again this is a Rule & Failure to do so MAY Lead to Disqualification.
The Race is also a Closed Event & as such Guest Runners Will Not be allowed to Compete
First Aid will be provided by the Red Cross & clearly signposted
Post Race
Please make your way back to the Registration Area to receive your Dry Fit T shirt / Water / Fruit etc
There will be a mobile catering van near to the parking area where snacks can be purchased at a reasonsable price from 10am onwards.
Water will also be available at the start of the race.
Prize Presentation
Will be at 5pm at the Race Hq, Shap Wells, Hotel . A full list of prizes will be displayed in the registration area
It is requested that all Trophy Winners from Gwent please bring their respective trophies with them & let the organisers have them at initial registration.
A full set of results will be available.
Evening Function
This will be from 8pm onwards at the Race HQ- Shap Wells Hotel. It will consist of a buffet & disco & there will be a reasonably priced bar till late. There will be vegetarian options for those that have indicated this on their booking forms.
Dress Casual but Smart Please
A separate message with transport arrangements will be sent out soon.
The organisers can be contacted on mobiles numbers previously circulated:
Please note that on the day mobile coverage at Lowther is Very Restricted but messages can be relayed by the Comms Centre at Penrith on the following exts 01768 213814 ( Comms Insp ) 0r 01768 213815 ( Comms S/V ) & ask for a message to be passed to any of the above persons on EVENT CHANNEL 5
It is requested that this is only used for Emergencies & as a Last Resort
And Finally
The views & scenery at Lowther are spectactular so bring your cameras.The Start & Finish areas are quite Exposed & Unfortunately we cant guarantee the weather so warm clothing ( & some would say wellies ) are essential!
Cumbria hopes you all enjoy the event and we would appreciate any feed back
But anything urgent either please contact any of the other organisers by email:
Email - Adrian Sowerby
Email - John Chambers
Mobile - 07963 245365
Work - 01539 818618
Event Information
Course Information
Race Report
Event Sponsors