GMP - Wednesday 8 September 2010
Report and Results
This years PSUK National 10 Mile Road Race championships took place on Wednesday 8th September 2010 at Heaton Park in Manchester.
The start and finish area were located outside the impressive 17th century Heaton Hall. This building has housed several aristocracy families over the years who in turn have added to the buildings structure. The additional orangery was added in 1823 along with the impressive chimney stacks. In 1902 the building and park were purchased by Manchester City Council who have allowed us to use this ideal location to host this year’s event which offered athletes a challenging undulating course.
Athletes hoping for a cool September day were wrong. The day could not have been warmer for this time of year. As the race start drew nearer the temperature increased adding to the challenge of the 10 mile course. The course involved 3 laps around Heaton Hall, making it a fantastic location for spectators who could view the athletes as they pushed hard back up the hill towards the Hall.
This years race was hosted by Greater Manchester Police and organised by Supt Bryan Lawton. The competition was introduced by one of Britain’s greatest ever athletes namely Ron Hill, Britain’s first ever man to break the 2.10 barrier. Ron later did a short speech and presented the prizes which was a privilege for all athletes concerned.
After the gun the race spread out quite quickly as the pace and misleading undulating course took its toll on the athletes. Ben Whitby from the City quickly dominated the men’s race adopting a storming pace to the pleasure of his on looking commissioner. Ben Gamble from staffs, quickly established his 2nd place and stretched the gap from 3rd placed Peter Tucker from the Mets. These 3 athletes came home across the line in the same positions in retrospective times of 52.39, 53.51 and 55.13. 4th man home and 1st V40 was Steve Cairns from Lothian and Borders in a time of 56.01. First Male V50 was Mick Bond from Essex who finished in an impressive 31st place and the first V60 was Sid Pask from Central Scotland in 70.30 finishing in 88th position.
The ladies race set off at the same time as the men. Quick to dominate the ladies race was Chris Howard from Derby who finished first in 64.10. Second place went to Sarah Simmons from West Mids in 65.34 followed in 3rd by Lisa Knights from Derby in 67.12. The first 3 ladies over the line were all in the V35 category. Caroline Walsh from the Mets finished 4th overall in 68.58. V45 prize went to Kate Armstrong from Cambridge who finished in an incredible 6th place in a time of 70.47 and the V55 went to Jools Ready in a time of 91.05 who finished in 67th place.
This location and race projected a brilliant atmosphere with a huge field of 257 male athletes and 102 ladies who completed the course.
The Mets ladies team convincingly took first place with Caroline Walsh 4th Libby Cameron 5th and Sarah Green 7th, followed by Derbyshire with Chirs Howard 1st, Lisa Knights 3rd and Diane Hamilton 39th. West Yorkshire took 3rd team with Julie Greenwood 9th, Claire Smith 22nd and Yvette Arthur 27th.
The men’s team had a closer fought battle with the Mets winning on 55 points with Peter Tucker 3rd, Jim Cooper 5th, Rhys Peters 10th and Leigh Dooley 37th. They were closely followed with a total of 61 points by Cheshire with Ian Wetherall 6th, Vince VanWoerkom 7th, Malcolm Fowler 9th and Willie Heaton 39th. 3rd team prize went to Lothian and Borders with Steve Cairns 4th, Graeme Gow 33rd, Toni Kott 40th and Stevie Laurie 43rd.
The men’s minor forces Trophy [Under 2000] went to Norfolk, followed by the City in 2nd and Northamptonshire in 3rd.
The ladies minor force trophy went to Fife, followed by North Wales in 2nd and Cambridgeshire in 3rd.
The men’s vet team trophy was won by Cheshire with Ian Wetherall, Malcolm Fowler and Willie Heaton and the Ladies vet team trophy went to Derbyshire with Cheshire 2nd and West Yorks taking 3rd.
Men - Final Results
Pos Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 Benedict Whitby City Of London 52:39
2 Ben Gamble Staffordshire 53:51
3 Peter Tucker Metropolitan 55:13
4 Steve Cairns V40 1 Lothian And Borders 56:01
5 Jim Cooper Metropolitan 56:43
6 Ian Wetherall V40 2 Cheshire 58:03
7 Vince VanWoerkom Cheshire 58:37
8 Justin Maxwell PSNI 58:52
9 Malcolm Fowler V40 3 Cheshire 59:03
10 Rhys Peters Metropolitan 59:16
11 Vivian Blake Hertfordshire 59:37
12 Andrew McGhee Strathclyde 1:00:06
13 Ryan Maxwell PSNI 1:00:11
14 Mark Penny Kent 1:00:34
15 Simon Newton West Yorkshire 1:00:42
16 Paul Allen V40 4 Hertfordshire 1:00:47
17 Paul Sanford Norfolk 1:00:56
18 Harry Paton City Of London 1:01:05
19 Kyle Greig Grampian 1:01:10
20 Steve Jones V40 5 Norfolk 1:01:15
21 Peter Murtagh V40 6 PSNI 1:01:24
22 Darren Riley V40 7 West Midlands 1:01:37
23 Mike Harvey V40 8 Fife 1:01:54
24 Harvey Rose West Midlands 1:02:04
25 Cameron Wilson Strathclyde 1:02:28
26 Nigel Bedell V40 9 West Yorkshire 1:02:48
27 Chris Meir V40 10 Staffordshire 1:02:54
28 Ioan Williams Gwent 1:03:05
29 Neil Sloan Cambridgeshire 1:03:10
30 Steve Cockrell Norfolk 1:03:18
31 Mick Bond V50 1 Essex 1:03:35
32 Peter Hague South Yorks 1:03:42
33 Graeme Gow V40 11 Lothian And Borders 1:03:51
34 Ben Brewster Wiltshire 1:03:57
35 Peter Crisp Thames Valley 1:04:04
36 Dave Rayfield V40 12 Northamptonshire 1:04:22
37 Leigh Dooley Metropolitan 1:04:30
38 Neil Hunt V40 13 West Midlands 1:04:33
39 Willie Heaton V40 14 Cheshire 1:04:39
40 Toni Kott V50 2 Lothian And Borders 1:04:57
41 Dave Fulton V40 15 Greater Manchester 1:04:58
42 Richard Lloyd V40 16 Greater Manchester 1:04:59
43 Stevie Laurie Lothian And Borders 1:05:15
44 John Knight Metropolitan 1:05:18
45 Stewart Jones V50 3 Greater Manchester 1:05:24
46 David McMillan V50 4 Derbyshire 1:05:29
47 Miles Robertson V40 17 Cheshire 1:05:36
48 Ben Skellern Nottinghamshire 1:05:42
49 Leon Ricketts West Yorkshire 1:05:55
50 Trevor Holden V40 18 City Of London 1:05:57
51 Nigel Rowe V40 19 Metropolitan 1:05:59
52 Steven Fleck V50 5 Thames Valley 1:06:00
53 Andy Lakeland South Yorks 1:06:16
54 Justin Frost Devon And Cornwall 1:06:28
55 John Aked Devon And Cornwall 1:06:42
56 Ben Mabon Surrey 1:06:51
57 Dan Appleby Greater Manchester 1:06:53
58 Iain Wedge V40 20 Cheshire 1:07:03
59 Derek Lodge V40 21 Lancashire 1:07:10
60 John Levick V40 22 West Yorkshire 1:07:16
61 Craig Morgan Greater Manchester 1:07:17
62 Gary Durham V50 6 South Yorks 1:07:22
63 Andy Blaize Northamptonshire 1:07:34
64 Derek Walker Essex 1:07:38
65 Mike Brooks V40 23 Lothian And Borders 1:08:11
66 Luke Lazell Metropolitan 1:08:16
67 Steve Mahoney Devon And Cornwall 1:08:21
68 Ian Parker V40 24 Leicestershire 1:08:27
69 Dave Wood V40 25 Essex 1:08:33
70 Princeton Akpojaro V40 26 Metropolitan 1:08:40
71 Rod Graham V50 7 Lancashire 1:08:43
72 Mike Griffin V40 27 Devon And Cornwall 1:08:44
73 Mike Branston Cambridgeshire 1:08:46
74 Andrew Williams Nottinghamshire 1:08:50
75 John Diffey V40 28 South Wales 1:08:57
76 John Jackson V40 29 Essex 1:09:04
77 Stuart Barnard Norfolk 1:09:06
78 James Johnson Devon And Cornwall 1:09:13
79 Richard Cockbain Lothian And Borders 1:09:15
80 Duncan Malloy V40 30 Leicestershire 1:09:38
81 Adam Michniok West Mercia 1:09:44
82 Shane Wilson Greater Manchester 1:09:47
83 Andrew Gardiner South Wales 1:10:05
84 Neil Coppack V40 31 North Wales 1:10:08
85 Matt Oldham Greater Manchester 1:10:10
86 Gary Zoller V40 32 Norfolk 1:10:14
87 Jim Buttleman V40 33 Hertfordshire 1:10:21
88 Sid Pask V60 1 Central Scotland 1:10:30
89 Rob Jackaman Metropolitan 1:10:32
90 Kevin Bray V50 8 Northumbria 1:10:33
91 Campbell Petrie Strathclyde 1:10:37
92 Bryan Lawton V40 34 Greater Manchester 1:10:39
93 Jonathan Beard West Midlands 1:10:56
94 Douglas Findlay Central Scotland 1:10:59
95 Dick Jackson V40 35 Metropolitan 1:11:06
96 Gareth Hope Northumbria 1:11:09
97 Paul Anderson Nottinghamshire 1:11:16
98 Barry Frost V50 9 Devon And Cornwall 1:11:18
99 Roger Bond Fife 1:11:19
100 Rupert Venables V40 36 Cheshire 1:11:20
101 Bill Harvey PSNI 1:11:24
102 Tim Kelly V50 10 Hertfordshire 1:11:31
103 Mike Smith V40 37 Greater Manchester 1:11:33
104 Ivan Balhatchet Northamptonshire 1:11:33
105 Gordon Nellies V50 11 Fife 1:11:42
106 Matt Hawtin Greater Manchester 1:11:50
107 Andrew Shepherd Hertfordshire 1:12:30
108 Ian Baggott V40 38 Devon And Cornwall 1:12:34
109 Mark Osborn V40 39 Humberside 1:12:46
110 Ken Willis V50 12 Northamptonshire 1:12:51
111 Risk Alkunshalie Cheshire 1:12:53
112 Tony Hodges V40 40 Lothian And Borders 1:13:10
113 Kris Barnard Norfolk 1:13:12
114 Mark Evans V40 41 Greater Manchester 1:13:16
115 Nigel Braun V40 42 Staffordshire 1:13:18
116 Jon Hughes Metropolitan 1:13:30
117 Martin Arnold V40 43 Hertfordshire 1:13:33
118 Dominic Brady Greater Manchester 1:13:37
119 James Newton Greater Manchester 1:13:48
120 Gordon McCrae Strathclyde 1:13:50
121 Ian Jackson V40 44 Derbyshire 1:13:55
122 Ian Mawdesley Metropolitan 1:14:08
123 Robert Mills V50 13 West Midlands 1:14:36
124 Jim Balcombe V40 45 Metropolitan 1:14:45
125 Peter Laddiman V50 14 Norfolk 1:14:49
126 Jason Moseley V40 46 West Midlands 1:14:50
127 Gary Goacher V40 47 Derbyshire 1:14:53
128 Jim Corrigan Greater Manchester 1:14:56
129 Mark Hawkins West Mercia 1:15:09
130 Pete Gilbert V50 15 Nottinghamshire 1:15:16
131 Kevin Clark V40 48 North Wales 1:15:18
132 Mark Stirmey V50 16 Northamptonshire 1:15:22
133 Kevin Concannon V50 17 Metropolitan 1:15:33
134 Phil Fortun Staffordshire 1:15:40
135 Nick Howarth V40 49 Greater Manchester 1:15:43
136 Alistair McLean V40 50 Lothian And Borders 1:15:47
137 Graham Dyson V40 51 West Yorkshire 1:15:52
138 John Mackenzie V50 18 Essex 1:15:55
139 David McConville V40 52 Greater Manchester 1:16:00
140 Carl Quinn V40 53 West Yorkshire 1:16:06
141 Steve Ingleby V40 54 West Midlands 1:16:08
142 Graham Whitt Nottinghamshire 1:16:19
143 Alan Roberts V40 55 City Of London 1:16:28
144 Steve Kyte V40 56 Northumbria 1:16:37
145 Kevin Russell V50 19 South Wales 1:16:43
146 Adrian Backhouse V40 57 Staffordshire 1:17:02
147 Neil Murphy V40 58 Cheshire 1:17:05
148 Mike Burgess V40 59 Greater Manchester 1:17:16
149 Don Pearson V50 20 Devon And Cornwall 1:17:30
150 Mike O'Sullivan Wiltshire 1:17:32
151 Jim Bentley V50 21 Greater Manchester 1:17:32
152 Mick Broderick Lancashire 1:17:36
153 Dougie Paton Lothian And Borders 1:17:41
154 Mark Acton Greater Manchester 1:17:49
155 Charles Quaey V40 60 Essex 1:17:57
156 Craig Ellis Gwent 1:18:03
157 Gary Corns Greater Manchester 1:18:14
158 Craig Johnstone Norfolk 1:18:15
159 Dan Poole Wiltshire 1:18:16
160 Clarke Joslyn Gwent 1:18:29
161 Mike Martin V60 2 Cumbria 1:18:33
162 Ross Morley-Trapnell V40 61 Devon And Cornwall 1:18:53
163 David Wilkinson V50 22 Lancashire 1:19:18
164 Peter Merrifield V50 23 West Yorkshire 1:19:24
165 David Dunne V40 62 Central Scotland 1:19:27
166 William Braidwood V50 24 Lothian And Borders 1:19:28
167 Matthew Azakli V40 63 Greater Manchester 1:19:29
168 Mike Cross V40 64 Greater Manchester 1:19:37
169 Christopher Brier V50 25 Hampshire 1:19:39
170 Paul Forster V50 26 Merseyside 1:20:07
171 Richard Collyer V40 65 Norfolk 1:20:26
172 Iwan Jones V50 27 North Wales 1:20:27
173 David Needham V60 3 South Yorks 1:20:41
174 Robert Mawhood V50 28 South Yorks 1:21:00
175 Kevin Loftus V50 29 Derbyshire 1:21:10
176 John Forsyth V50 30 Lothian And Borders 1:21:15
177 Will Nelson Lancashire 1:21:15
178 Chris Hanson West Midlands 1:21:49
179 Rob Harding V40 66 Metropolitan 1:21:53
180 Alan McGill V50 31 Derbyshire 1:22:06
181 Team Member PSNI 1:22:08
182 Steve Bruce Derbyshire 1:22:17
183 Andrew Morris V40 67 Cheshire 1:22:37
184 Steve Broadbent V50 32 Lancashire 1:22:51
185 Thomas Turner Strathclyde 1:23:07
186 Kevin Scannell V40 68 South Wales 1:23:20
187 Derek Nichols V50 33 Hampshire 1:23:23
188 Alan Aitchison V40 69 Lothian And Borders 1:23:28
189 Bobby Stevens V40 70 Lothian And Borders 1:23:40
190 Rue Jones Greater Manchester 1:23:45
191 Jon Edwards V40 71 Surrey 1:23:46
192 Richard Baldwin V40 72 Hampshire 1:23:49
193 Gareth Snaod Wiltshire 1:23:51
194 Matt Goodwin Derbyshire 1:23:52
195 Mark Churton V40 73 Staffordshire 1:24:06
196 Steve New V40 74 Gwent 1:24:27
197 Grant McCormack Strathclyde 1:24:30
198 Bill Sneddon V40 75 Lothian And Borders 1:24:36
199 Colin Prosser V40 76 Gwent 1:24:39
200 Dave Nown V40 77 Warwickshire 1:24:47
201 Steve Smith V50 34 Greater Manchester 1:24:53
202 Campbell Hutt Tayside 1:25:02
203 Dave Withers V40 78 Kent 1:25:28
204 Neil Pattison V40 79 Humberside 1:25:31
205 Kevin Handley Greater Manchester 1:25:35
206 Steve Plumb V40 80 Leicestershire 1:25:57
207 Phil Wynes V50 35 Hertfordshire 1:26:12
208 Greg Roulston V50 36 Hampshire 1:26:13
209 Steve Quinn Greater Manchester 1:26:16
210 Andrew Evans Greater Manchester 1:26:18
211 Mark Rogers Metropolitan 1:26:23
212 Lee Stephens Gwent 1:26:39
213 Pete Bryan V50 37 Essex 1:26:47
214 John Hanson V40 81 North Wales 1:27:10
215 Pete Renshaw V40 82 Greater Manchester 1:27:48
216 Mick Wise V50 38 Hertfordshire 1:27:57
217 Matthew Hill Greater Manchester 1:28:02
218 Graham Bayes V60 4 Northamptonshire 1:28:08
219 Paul Fulham V40 83 Warwickshire 1:28:35
220 Tyrone Broome V40 84 Gwent 1:28:36
221 Andy Wright V50 39 Greater Manchester 1:28:49
222 Mark Braithwaite V40 85 Wiltshire 1:28:55
223 Gareth Jaggard North Wales 1:29:37
224 Stuart Altoft V40 86 Humberside 1:29:43
225 Mike Bennett V50 40 Warwickshire 1:29:56
226 Andy Govan V40 87 Central Scotland 1:30:02
227 David Watkinson V50 41 Lancashire 1:30:23
228 Colin McKeever V40 88 Cambridgeshire 1:30:27
229 Michael Flower Norfolk 1:30:51
230 William Stevenson V40 89 Lothian And Borders 1:31:17
231 C O'Driscoll Gwent 1:31:27
232 Dave Chapman V60 5 West Midlands 1:31:36
233 John Dempsey-Brench V40 90 Hertfordshire 1:31:53
234 Bill Murray V60 6 Lancashire 1:32:26
235 George Barr V40 91 Cambridgeshire 1:33:31
236 Steve Davis V40 92 Surrey 1:35:41
237 Pete Boddy V40 93 Nottinghamshire 1:37:10
238 Glen Barnes Norfolk 1:37:38
239 Myles Marshall V40 94 Lothian And Borders 1:38:23
240 Ian Body V40 95 Merseyside 1:39:25
241 Martin Cole V40 96 Metropolitan 1:39:59
242 Stuart Goldsack Essex 1:40:00
243 Gavin Timms Essex 1:40:37
244 Adi Girton V40 97 Norfolk 1:41:20
245 Paul Frith Greater Manchester 1:41:20
246 Bob Burton V40 98 Surrey 1:43:54
247 Ian Hanson V40 99 Hampshire 1:43:54
248 Benjamin Cooke Cheshire 1:44:25
249 Ivan Brown Lancashire 1:44:52
250 Graham Slater V50 42 Lancashire 1:48:13
251 Gary Morewood V50 43 South Yorks 1:49:03
252 Daniel Howard Thames Valley 1:50:25
253 Barry Handley V40 100 Greater Manchester 1:50:56
254 Ian Poole North Wales 1:52:13
255 Peter Hern V60 7 Hertfordshire 1:54:21
256 Ian Cooper V60 8 West Mercia 1:56:01
257 Liam Hennessy V40 101 Nottinghamshire 1:57:27
Men - Team Results
1 Metropolitan 55
3 Peter Tucker
5 Jim Cooper
10 Rhys Peters
37 Leigh Dooley
2 Cheshire 61
6 Ian Wetherall
7 Vince VanWoerkom
9 Malcolm Fowler
39 Willie Heaton
3 Lothian And Borders 120
4 Steve Cairns
33 Graeme Gow
40 Toni Kott
43 Stevie Laurie
4 PSNI 143
8 Justin Maxwell
13 Ryan Maxwell
21 Peter Murtagh
101 Bill Harvey
5 Norfolk 144
17 Paul Sanford
20 Steve Jones
30 Steve Cockrell
77 Stuart Barnard
6 West Yorkshire 150
15 Simon Newton
26 Nigel Bedell
49 Leon Ricketts
60 John Levick
7 West Midlands 177
22 Darren Riley
24 Harvey Rose
38 Neil Hunt
93 Jonathan Beard
8 Greater Manchester 185
41 Dave Fulton
42 Richard Lloyd
45 Stewart Jones
57 Dan Appleby
9 City Of London 212
1 Benedict Whitby
18 Harry Paton
50 Trevor Holden
143 Alan Roberts
10 Hertfordshire 216
11 Vivian Blake
16 Paul Allen
87 Jim Buttleman
102 Tim Kelly
11 Essex 240
31 Mick Bond
64 Derek Walker
69 Dave Wood
76 John Jackson
12 Devon And Cornwall 248
54 Justin Frost
55 John Aked
67 Steve Mahoney
72 Mike Griffin
13 Strathclyde 248
12 Andrew McGhee
25 Cameron Wilson
91 Campbell Petrie
120 Gordon McCrae
14 Staffordshire 278
2 Ben Gamble
27 Chris Meir
115 Nigel Braun
134 Phil Fortun
15 Northamptonshire 313
36 Dave Rayfield
63 Andy Blaize
104 Ivan Balhatchet
110 Ken Willis
16 South Yorks 320
32 Peter Hague
53 Andy Lakeland
62 Gary Durham
173 David Needham
17 Nottinghamshire 349
48 Ben Skellern
74 Andrew Williams
97 Paul Anderson
130 Pete Gilbert
18 Lancashire 445
59 Derek Lodge
71 Rod Graham
152 Mick Broderick
163 David Wilkinson
19 Derbyshire 469
46 David McMillan
121 Ian Jackson
127 Gary Goacher
175 Kevin Loftus
20 South Wales 489
75 John Diffey
83 Andrew Gardiner
145 Kevin Russell
186 Kevin Scannell
21 Wiltshire 536
34 Ben Brewster
150 Mike O'Sullivan
159 Dan Poole
193 Gareth Snaod
22 Gwent 540
28 Ioan Williams
156 Craig Ellis
160 Clarke Joslyn
196 Steve New
23 Cambridgeshire 565
29 Neil Sloan
73 Mike Branston
228 Colin McKeever
235 George Barr
24 Central Scotland 573
88 Sid Pask
94 Douglas Findlay
165 David Dunne
226 Andy Govan
25 North Wales 601
84 Neil Coppack
131 Kevin Clark
172 Iwan Jones
214 John Hanson
26 Surrey 729
56 Ben Mabon
191 Jon Edwards
236 Steve Davis
246 Bob Burton
27 Hampshire 756
169 Christopher Brier
187 Derek Nichols
192 Richard Baldwin
208 Greg Roulston
Men (Vets)- Team Results
1 Cheshire 54
6 Ian Wetherall
9 Malcolm Fowler
39 Willie Heaton
2 Lothian And Borders 77
4 Steve Cairns
33 Graeme Gow
40 Toni Kott
3 Greater Manchester 128
41 Dave Fulton
42 Richard Lloyd
45 Stewart Jones
4 Essex 176
31 Mick Bond
69 Dave Wood
76 John Jackson
5 West Midlands 183
22 Darren Riley
38 Neil Hunt
123 Robert Mills
6 Hertfordshire 205
16 Paul Allen
87 Jim Buttleman
102 Tim Kelly
7 Metropolitan 216
51 Nigel Rowe
70 Princeton Akpojaro
95 Dick Jackson
8 West Yorkshire 223
26 Nigel Bedell
60 John Levick
137 Graham Dyson
9 Norfolk 231
20 Steve Jones
86 Gary Zoller
125 Peter Laddiman
10 Devon And Cornwall 278
72 Mike Griffin
98 Barry Frost
108 Ian Baggott
11 Northamptonshire 278
36 Dave Rayfield
110 Ken Willis
132 Mark Stirmey
12 Staffordshire 288
27 Chris Meir
115 Nigel Braun
146 Adrian Backhouse
13 Lancashire 293
59 Derek Lodge
71 Rod Graham
163 David Wilkinson
14 Derbyshire 294
46 David McMillan
121 Ian Jackson
127 Gary Goacher
15 Leicestershire 354
68 Ian Parker
80 Duncan Malloy
206 Steve Plumb
16 North Wales 387
84 Neil Coppack
131 Kevin Clark
172 Iwan Jones
17 South Wales 406
75 John Diffey
145 Kevin Russell
186 Kevin Scannell
18 South Yorks 409
62 Gary Durham
173 David Needham
174 Robert Mawhood
19 Central Scotland 479
88 Sid Pask
165 David Dunne
226 Andy Govan
20 Humberside 537
109 Mark Osborn
204 Neil Pattison
224 Stuart Altoft
21 Hampshire 548
169 Christopher Brier
187 Derek Nichols
192 Richard Baldwin
22 Gwent 615
196 Steve New
199 Colin Prosser
220 Tyrone Broome
23 Nottinghamshire 624
130 Pete Gilbert
237 Pete Boddy
257 Liam Hennessy
24 Warwickshire 644
200 Dave Nown
219 Paul Fulham
225 Mike Bennett
25 Surrey 673
191 Jon Edwards
236 Steve Davis
246 Bob Burton
Ladies - Final Results
Pos Name Cat/Pos Club Time
1 Christine Howard L35 1 Derbyshire 1:04:10
2 Sarah Simmons L35 2 West Midlands 1:05:34
3 Lisa Knights L35 3 Derbyshire 1:07:12
4 Caroline Walsh L 4 Metropolitan 1:08:58
5 Libby Cameron L 5 Metropolitan 1:10:07
6 Kate Armstrong L45 1 Cambridgeshire 1:10:47
7 Sarah Green L 7 Metropolitan 1:11:44
8 Janine Brown L 8 Kent 1:12:26
9 Julie Greenwood L35 4 West Yorkshire 1:12:33
10 Maggie Fenn L35 5 Cheshire 1:13:27
11 Ailsa Currie L 11 Strathclyde 1:13:29
12 Jacqueline Macintyre L 12 Fife 1:13:30
13 Kate Williams L45 2 Northamptonshire 1:13:43
14 Sophie Clement L 14 West Midlands 1:14:00
15 Jo Ravenhill L 15 Metropolitan 1:14:16
16 Janine Fallon L 16 Lancashire 1:14:37
17 Tracy McCartney L 17 Cambridgeshire 1:15:20
18 Lianne Logan L 18 Lothian And Borders 1:15:22
19 Joanna Wilson L 19 Fife 1:15:24
20 Katrina Kemp L45 3 Leicestershire 1:15:48
21 Veronica Singleton L45 4 Hertfordshire 1:16:06
22 Claire Smith L 22 West Yorkshire 1:16:22
23 Lynne Rogers L 23 Strathclyde 1:17:13
24 Jo Church L45 5 Devon And Cornwall 1:17:17
25 Rachel Love L35 6 Humberside 1:17:22
26 Harri Crockett L 26 Wiltshire 1:17:46
27 Yvette Arthur L45 6 West Yorkshire 1:18:36
28 Kirsty Baird L35 7 Central Scotland 1:18:39
29 Julie Lovatt L35 8 Staffordshire 1:18:44
30 Angela Breen L 30 Metropolitan 1:18:59
31 Trisha VanRooyen L35 9 Cheshire 1:19:48
32 Jacqui Reid L35 10 Metropolitan 1:19:55
33 Yvie Johnson L 33 North Wales 1:20:10
34 Laura Lawlor L35 11 Lancashire 1:21:18
35 Sian Beck L 35 North Wales 1:21:22
36 Claire Biddlecombe L35 12 South Wales 1:21:23
37 Sarah Hern L 37 Hertfordshire 1:21:30
38 Nicola Rodger L35 13 Thames Valley 1:21:39
39 Diane Hamilton L35 14 Derbyshire 1:21:44
40 Clare Davenport L35 15 Staffordshire 1:22:12
41 Lorraine Paterson L35 16 Humberside 1:22:15
42 Deborah Blakeman L 42 West Midlands 1:22:33
43 Deborah Wilne L35 17 Staffordshire 1:22:35
44 Sue Tagg L35 18 Gwent 1:23:11
45 Victoria Elmsley L 45 Metropolitan 1:23:37
46 Susan Alcock L35 19 Cheshire 1:23:43
47 Sally-Ann Kinsell L 47 Fife 1:23:45
48 Fiona McDonald L35 20 Derbyshire 1:23:46
49 Sally Youden L 49 Northumbria 1:24:14
50 Caroline Rogers L 50 Lothian And Borders 1:24:19
51 Gaye Waring L45 7 North Wales 1:25:07
52 Sam Johnstone L 52 Metropolitan 1:25:36
53 Melanie Siddall L45 8 West Yorkshire 1:25:58
54 Donna Hinsley L35 21 Greater Manchester 1:26:17
55 Ann Lewin L45 9 Norfolk 1:26:28
56 Sharon Edwards L35 22 Staffordshire 1:27:15
57 Anna Gaches L35 23 West Yorkshire 1:27:23
58 Lindsay Rust L 58 South Yorks 1:28:20
59 Toni Mathews L 59 Kent 1:28:26
60 Mel McClure L45 10 Metropolitan 1:28:39
61 Madeline Moutrie L45 11 Northamptonshire 1:28:46
62 Rhea Evans L 62 City Of London 1:29:00
63 Nikki Kay L 63 Lancashire 1:29:18
64 Alison Davies L 64 Wiltshire 1:29:18
65 Melanie Williams L45 12 North Wales 1:29:29
66 Sam Oakley L35 24 Warwickshire 1:30:08
67 Jools Ready L55 1 Lancashire 1:31:05
68 Lynsey Collins L 68 Lothian And Borders 1:31:26
69 Joy Brookes L35 25 West Mercia 1:31:53
70 Dawn Crane L 70 Norfolk 1:32:10
71 Ellie Lock L 71 Northamptonshire 1:32:47
72 Karen Mulholland L35 26 PSNI 1:33:29
73 Sarah Edgar L35 27 Cheshire 1:33:36
74 Ali Lapper L35 28 Metropolitan 1:33:57
75 Viv Sherry L 75 Lancashire 1:35:35
76 Vanessa Hall L 76 Thames Valley 1:35:37
77 Susan Wetton L35 29 Strathclyde 1:36:26
78 Su Bookless-Brown L35 30 Devon And Cornwall 1:36:44
79 Heather Mitchell L55 2 West Yorkshire 1:37:03
80 Caroline Filmer L35 31 Kent 1:37:39
81 Sarah Borley L45 13 Gwent 1:37:43
82 Andrea Davis-Heywood L35 32 Greater Manchester 1:38:42
83 Dianne Robins L45 14 Hampshire 1:39:05
84 Janice Moore L45 15 Norfolk 1:39:46
85 Kelly Hudson L 85 Surrey 1:40:08
86 Bonnie Rawlinson L 86 Essex 1:41:15
87 Rachel Archer L 87 Northumbria 1:41:18
88 Julie Adams L35 33 Greater Manchester 1:41:43
89 Wendy Gilham L35 34 Kent 1:41:43
90 Debbie Pearson L35 35 Norfolk 1:41:45
91 Terri Gover L35 36 Lothian And Borders 1:43:11
92 Alex Spargo L35 37 Wiltshire 1:44:32
93 Vannessa Blackledge L35 38 Hertfordshire 1:44:46
94 Sue Harrison L55 3 Lancashire 1:47:07
95 Victoria McKenzie L 95 Warwickshire 1:47:21
96 Celia Upchurch L55 4 Cambridgeshire 1:49:27
97 Kate Watkins L 97 Greater Manchester 1:49:34
98 Charlotte Owens L 98 Greater Manchester 1:49:34
99 Gina Patten L45 16 Surrey 1:59:13
100 Olivia Finnucane L 100 Hertfordshire 2:00:45
101 Joanne Weller L 101 Hertfordshire 2:00:45
102 Karen Girton L35 39 Norfolk 2:04:06
Ladies - Team Results
1 Metropolitan 16
4 Caroline Walsh
5 Libby Cameron
7 Sarah Green
2 Derbyshire 43
1 Christine Howard
3 Lisa Knights
39 Diane Hamilton
3 West Yorkshire 58
9 Julie Greenwood
22 Claire Smith
27 Yvette Arthur
4 West Midlands 58
2 Sarah Simmons
14 Sophie Clement
42 Deborah Blakeman
5 Fife 78
12 Jacqueline Macintyre
19 Joanna Wilson
47 Sally-Ann Kinsell
6 Cheshire 87
10 Maggie Fenn
31 Trisha VanRooyen
46 Susan Alcock
7 Strathclyde 111
11 Ailsa Currie
23 Lynne Rogers
77 Susan Wetton
8 Staffordshire 112
29 Julie Lovatt
40 Clare Davenport
43 Deborah Wilne
9 Lancashire 113
16 Janine Fallon
34 Laura Lawlor
63 Nikki Kay
10 North Wales 119
33 Yvie Johnson
35 Sian Beck
51 Gaye Waring
11 Cambridgeshire 119
6 Kate Armstrong
17 Tracy McCartney
96 Celia Upchurch
12 Lothian And Borders 136
18 Lianne Logan
50 Caroline Rogers
68 Lynsey Collins
13 Northamptonshire 145
13 Kate Williams
61 Madeline Moutrie
71 Ellie Lock
14 Kent 147
8 Janine Brown
59 Toni Mathews
80 Caroline Filmer
15 Hertfordshire 151
21 Veronica Singleton
37 Sarah Hern
93 Vannessa Blackledge
16 Wiltshire 182
26 Harri Crockett
64 Alison Davies
92 Alex Spargo
17 Norfolk 209
55 Ann Lewin
70 Dawn Crane
84 Janice Moore
18 Greater Manchester 224
54 Donna Hinsley
82 Andrea Davis-Heywood
88 Julie Adams
Ladies (Vets) - Team Results
1 Derbyshire 43
1 Christine Howard
3 Lisa Knights
39 Diane Hamilton
2 Cheshire 87
10 Maggie Fenn
31 Trisha VanRooyen
46 Susan Alcock
3 West Yorkshire 89
9 Julie Greenwood
27 Yvette Arthur
53 Melanie Siddall
4 Staffordshire 112
29 Julie Lovatt
40 Clare Davenport
43 Deborah Wilne
5 Metropolitan 166
32 Jacqui Reid
60 Mel McClure
74 Ali Lapper
6 Lancashire 195
34 Laura Lawlor
67 Jools Ready
94 Sue Harrison
7 Greater Manchester 224
54 Donna Hinsley
82 Andrea Davis-Heywood
88 Julie Adams
8 Norfolk 229
55 Ann Lewin
84 Janice Moore
90 Debbie Pearson
Minor Forces Men - Team Results
1 Norfolk 144
17 Paul Sanford
20 Steve Jones
30 Steve Cockrell
77 Stuart Barnard
2 City Of London 212
1 Benedict Whitby
18 Harry Paton
50 Trevor Holden
143 Alan Roberts
3 Northamptonshire 313
36 Dave Rayfield
63 Andy Blaize
104 Ivan Balhatchet
110 Ken Willis
4 Wiltshire 536
34 Ben Brewster
150 Mike O'Sullivan
159 Dan Poole
193 Gareth Snaod
5 Gwent 540
28 Ioan Williams
156 Craig Ellis
160 Clarke Joslyn
196 Steve New
6 Cambridgeshire 565
29 Neil Sloan
73 Mike Branston
228 Colin McKeever
235 George Barr
7 Central Scotland 573
88 Sid Pask
94 Douglas Findlay
165 David Dunne
226 Andy Govan
8 North Wales 601
84 Neil Coppack
131 Kevin Clark
172 Iwan Jones
214 John Hanson
Minor Forces Ladies Team Results
1 Fife 78
12 Jacqueline Macintyre
19 Joanna Wilson
47 Sally-Ann Kinsell
2 North Wales 119
33 Yvie Johnson
35 Sian Beck
51 Gaye Waring
3 Cambridgeshire 119
6 Kate Armstrong
17 Tracy McCartney
96 Celia Upchurch
4 Northamptonshire 145
13 Kate Williams
61 Madeline Moutrie
71 Ellie Lock
5 Wiltshire 182
26 Harri Crockett
64 Alison Davies
92 Alex Spargo
6 Norfolk 209
55 Ann Lewin
70 Dawn Crane
84 Janice Moore
Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2010
Event Photographs
Please find a link below to the photographs that were taken at the PSUK 10 miler at Heaton Park on the 10th September.