Lancashire Constabulary

Brief Career History
I joined
the Lancashire Police Cadets the following year then appointed as a
police constable in 1978.
I have been a uniformed, operational policeman for much of my service.
Police postings during my past service include:
1976 - 1977 -
10 Month Cadet Training Course - Hutton Hall
1977 -
Operational Cadet duties - Blackburn
1978 -
1981 - Uniform
patrol duties at Lancaster
1981 - 1982 - Traffic Patrol Duties
1982 - 1984 - Operational Support Unit
1985 - Special Branch Ports Unit - Heysham
1986 - Uniform patrol duties at Morecambe
1986 -
1988 - Uniform patrol duties at Carnforth
1988 -
1989 - Crime/Task Force Patrol
1989 -
Stolen Vehicle Examiner
1990 - Rural Beat Officer - Bolton-Le-Sands
1990 - 1992 - Uniform patrol duties at Carnforth
1993 - Uniform patrol duties at Heysham
1994 - 1995 -Uniform patrol duties at Morecambe
1995 - 1996 - Special Constabulary Community Action Team
1996 - 1997 - Special Constabulary Liaison/Training and Development
1998 - 2004 - H.M.
Coroner's Officer
2004 - 2007 -
Community Volunteers Coordinator
2007 - 2007 - Rural Beat Officer - Silverdale
2008 - 2012 - Special Constable - Silverdale
2010 - 2012 - Special Sergeant - Lancaster
1996 - 2021 - Secretary - County Sports Club
2014 to 2015 - Receptionist/Post Room Administrator - Police HQ, Hutton
2015 - 2018 - MAPPA Admin - Police HQ, Hutton
1991 - Current - Secretary - Lancashire Constabulary AC
1986 - Over six month period responsible for high volume of arrests for
serious crime and other offences
- Bravery Award
Significant Events - Policing Secondments
1977 - Fire Brigade Strike - Green Goddess Patrol
1981 - Toxeth and Tottenham Riots
1983 - Abbeystead Disaster
1984 - Miners' Strike
1995 - Prison Officers Strike
2004 - Morecambe Bay Cockling Tragedy
December 2007
I retired from the Lancashire Constabulary as a Police
Constable on 31 December 2007 having served 30 years as a constable.
I have thoroughly
enjoyed my time in the force and have never looked back!
On 1 January 2008 I rejoined the force as a Special
Constable. I felt I still had something to give to the organisation that
I have been very proud to be a member of since 1976.
Being a Special Constable meant that I could continue my
role as a police officer but simply do not get paid. As a staff member I
am able to continue my other role as a volunteer Sports Club Secretary
and work on from my base at Carnforth Police Station.
April 2014 I started at Police HQ Hutton working in the reception/post
room. A tremendous job working just 20 hours a week. It enables me to
network with colleagues benefitting my Sports Club secretary role.
In 2016 I changed roles and started on MAPPA Admin at Lancashire Police HQ dealing with high risk and sex offenders.
2018 I left the MAPPA role but continued my Sports Club Secretary role.
I was then involved in the 'Club Merge and modernisation' process which
culminated in creating a brand new 'paid' Club Manager post.This has
been my goal for many years and I was happy to hand over my position to
someone who would hopefully take the 'Club' to another level.
work as 'Club Secretary' was done.....but I continue to run the
'Athletics and Running Section - Lancashire Constaculary AC. I hope to
inject even more energy into this role now I have freed up considerable
time to do this.
Police Sport Posts
Secretary - Northern Police Cross Country League - 1994 - Present
Secretary - Lancashire Constabulary Athletics Section - 1992 - Present
Secretary - Police Sport UK North West Region - 2008 - Present
Secretary - Lancashire Constabulary County Sports & Social Club -
1996 - 2021
Committee - Police Sport UK Athletics Section - 2006 - 2013
